The Albanian Archdiocese of the Orthodox Church in America is one of the three ethnic dioceses within the OCA. Its origin is traced back to the start of the autocephalous Church of Albania as both had a common beginning in the United States in the early twentieth century.
Bishop Nikodhim and the V. Rev. Mark Doku, chancellor, were joined by lay representatives of the Albanian Orthodox Archdiocese, lay vice-chair Matthew Sotir and trustee Lou Foundos, as they united their prayers with others from around the world at the funeral services of the ever-memorable Archbishop Anastasios of Albania. Amidst an atmosphere of both profound loss yet sincere hope and faith in Christ’s promise of resurrection, the clergy and faithful of the Autocephalous Orthodox Church of Albania grieved as delegates representing churchly, civic, political, and interfaith interests raised their voices to honor the work and profound primatial ministry of this pastor. Thereafter, His Grace Nikodhim and other members of the delegation were pleased to travel briefly in Albania and to serve on the Feast of the Lord’s Meeting at the Cathedral of the Resurrection in Tirana, renewing relationships there as with brothers and standing with them in these days of hope and challenge.
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His Grace Bishop Nikodhim and the Albanian Orthdox Archdiocese of America extends their condolences to the Faithful of Albania.
The Orthodox Autocephalous Church of Albania, with the deepest of sorrow, announces the falling asleep in the Lord of His Beatitude, Archbishop Anastasios of Tirana, Durres, and All Albania. His Beatitude fell asleep in the Lord Saturday, January 25, 2025, at 08:30 AM, at the age of 95, at “Evangelismos” Hospital in Athens, due to multiple organ failure, following a prolonged hospitalization at “Hygeia” Hospital in Tirana.
We call upon the faithful of the Church of Albania *(and throughout the world) * to pray for the repose of the soul of our departed Primate.
The indelible Archbishop Anastasios restored and renewed of the Orthodox Autocephalous Church of Albania, which he raised from its ruins following the fall of the atheistic regime. Through his God-inspired vision and tireless labor, he rebuilt ecclesiastical life from its very foundations, erected hundreds of churches, established educational and philanthropic institutions, and educated and ordained new clergy, offering unceasing sacrificial service for over thirty-three years.
May his memory be eternal! I përjetshëm qoftë Kujtimi i tij!!
During the month of January, parishes of the Archdiocese will honor the Albanian Orthodox tradition of Icon Sunday, including the "icon auction."
Under Ottoman oppression, the faithful of southern Albania often had to ransom their holy items and places from the ruling powers, paying taxes and fines to reclaim what they loved. Over time and as the
government changed, these payments became part of beloved local tradition around the feast of the Lord’s Baptism. Where once these tolls were paid simply to keep the Church open and properly outfitted, now the
auction was an opportunity to express pride—particularly by claiming or outbidding competitors of one’s patron or family saints. So the Church reformatted its former means of subjugation and this day became one of
communal joy in support of the Church.
Please join our Faithful as they honor the efforts of the past to keep the Light of Christ shining brightly in our world.
On the last Sunday of the year, His Grace visited the faithful of St George Church in Trumbull. Read more about the visit, along with more pictures, on the parish's website HERE
Sunday December 15, on the feast day of St Eleftherios of Vlora, the faithful of Saint George Cathedral had the blessing to have with them his Holy Relics (lipsan) in our church. We had a special procession around the church singing his troparion in English and Albanian and the faithful of St George , had the blessing to venerate the Icon with the holy relic and receive a sanctified cotton touched by St Eleftherios's Holy Relic.
May St. Eleftherios intercede for us.
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On November 28, 1443, the national hero of Albania, a prince known as Skanderbeg (George Kastrioti), raised his flag over the fortress of Krujë in defiance of the Turks who ruled the country. Nearly 500 years later, Albanians revived his flag as a national rallying point for Albanians at home and abroad, leading to independence from Ottoman rule being proclaimed on November 28, 1912.
On Sunday, November 24, parishes around the archdiocese honor their Albanian ancestry by praying and giving thanks to God by hold a special prayer service in their communities.
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Saturday, November 16, saw the first in-person meeting of the newly formed Archdiocesan Archives Committee at St. George Cathedral in South Boston. Participants toured the diocesan archives, met with Neka Doko, longtime librarian of the Noli library, and shared lunch with representatives of the Cathedral and the Noli Cultural Center. Though there is much to be done to preserve this trove of important documents and artefacts, all involved in this first meeting expressed their enthusiasm at ensuring that these things may continue to be passed down for the benefit of future generations of the Archdiocesan faithful and the Albanian people.
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On Friday, 20 September 2024, clergy and lay delegates elected by parishes of the Archdiocese gathered together at Ss. Peter and Paul Church in Philadelphia for the Archdiocesan Assembly. The Diocesan Assembly is the highest legislative and administrative authority within the Diocese, and assists the Diocesan Bishop in its governance. The Assembly brings together the various elements of the Diocese to bear witness to her identity, unity, and mission. As in previous years, in addition to the business meeting, the 3-day event will host a gathering of the clergy with His Grace, a formal banquet, and a hierarchal liturgy for all of the faithful to celebrate together. There will also be break out sessions entitled "Sharing Our Strengths: Working Together Towards Christ's Kingdom" and "Religious Education: Awakening the Faith of Young and Old," as well as presentation by our special guest, Father Grigori Pelushi, priest of the Orthodox Church of Albania and Chair of Radio Ngjallja. For more details, please see the Schedule of Events.
The opening paraklesis on Friday morning included the monastic tonsure of Father Dennis Rhodes. Now known as Hieromonk Danaks (honoring the 2nd century Albanian martyr), Father served our communities of St Nicholas in Jamaica Estates and St John Chrysostom in Philadelphia, and St George in Trumbull since his priestly ordination over 45 years ago. Though he was granted retirement from parish pastorship in 2018, he continues to serve our communities. In addition to celebrating the divine services for vacationing priests or at parishes currently without an assigned priest, he has been elected to serve the Archdiocese at large as the General Secretary of the diocese. A recording of the service is availabe for viewing on the parish's YouTube channel (
Following prayers in the church, the officers and delegates moved upstairs to conduct the legislative portion of the Assembly. At the conclusion of the "business" session, Father Grigori Pelushi addressed the full body, and then the bishop took the parish council chairs to discuss Sharing Our Strengths: Working Together Towards Christ's Kingdom, while the rest stayed with Father Mark and Grigori to talk about Religious Education: Awakening the Faith of Young and Old. That evening, delegates, observers and the local community gathered together in fellowship at the evening banquet.
On Saturday morning, during the 10am Hierarchical Divine Liturgy celebrated by His Grace and clergy of the diocese, Deacon Juxhin was ordained to the Holy Priesthood. Deacon Juxhin, with the help of the Archdiocese's Theological Student Fund, came to the United States from Albania a few years ago to study at St Vladimir's Theological Seminary near New York City. Upon completion of his studies, he, and his wife Livia, have moved to Boston to complete an additional year-long pastoral internship at the Cathedral before being placed in parish assignment. Please join us live (or watch later) on the parish's YouTube channel (
Following the Divine Liturgy, His Grace prayed the memorial service for reposed clergy, Priftereshe's, and laypeople who have served God's Faithful throughout the Archdiocese's history. He then honored James Liolin for 55 years (and counting) of service on the Archdiocese's Theological Student Fund by bestowing upon him the Knight of Saint George medal. Before departing for their home parishes, the visiting delegates were treated once again to a wonderful meal by the hosts, the faithful of Ss Peter and Paul.
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By the grace of God, during this year's annual Archdiocesan Assembly at Ss. Peter and Paul Church in Philadelphia, His Grace will bestow changes to two of our clergy. On Friday September 20, as part of the 9am opening prayers , Bishop Nikodhim will say the prayers to bestow the monastic tonsure upon our beloved Father Dennis Rhodes, giving him the new title of Hieromonk Danaks. On Saturday 21, as part of the 10am Divine Liturgy, Bishop Nikodhim will ordain Deacon Juxhin Shkurti to the Holy Priesthood.
Ordained a priest over 45 years ago, Father Dennis served our communities of St Nicholas in Jamaica Estates and St John Chrysostom in Philadelphia, and St George in Trumbull. Though he was granted retirement from parish pastorship in 2018, he continues to serve our communities. In addition to celebrating the divine services for vacationing priests or at parishes currently without an assigned priest, he has been elected to serve the Archdiocese at large as the General Secretary of the diocese.
With the assistance of the Archdiocese's Theological Student Fund, Deacon Juxhin came to the United States from Albania a few years ago to study at St Vladimir's Theological Seminary near New York City. Upon completion of his studies, he, and his wife Livia, have moved to Boston to complete an additional year-long pastoral internship at the Cathedral before being placed in parish assignment.
Faithful of the Archdiocese in the local area are invited to join the Assembly delegates for their opening prayers on Friday and for the Divine Liturgy on Saturday; those of you farther away may watch it live, or later recorded, via the parish's YouTube channel (
September 16, 2024 marks the first anniversary of the ordination of Bishop Nikodhim and his enthronement as the ruling bishop of the Albanian Archdiocese. In historic Saint George Cathedral, Metropolotian Tikhon, Archbishop of Washington and All America and Canada, along with six other ruling diocesan bishops of the Orthodox Church in America, ordained Archimandrite Nikodhim to the episcopacy with the words of the Holy Gospel and the Apostolic Succession of laying on of hands. Read more
Over the next three weeks (September 13-29), Father Grigori Pelushi of the Orthodox Church of Albania will visit several parishes of the Archdiocese.
Father Grigori Pelushi is the chair of Radio Ngjallja and secretary of the Holy Synod of the Orthodox Church of Albania. Since completing his seminary studies in 2002, he has served the Church in numerous capacities. The rich trove of his experiences includes time as a catechist in Elbasan, years as a secretary and assistant to His Beatitude, Archbishop Anastasios, as well as to Metropolitan Nathanial, Bishop of Amantia. He has represented the Church of Albania at the Council of European Churches as well as the World Council of Churches, and he currently oversees the office of youth education for the archdiocese of Tirana. Ordained a deacon in 2011 and priest thereafter in 2015, his has been a consistent presence at the national Cathedral, its offices and ministries.
Father Grigori will visit Saint George Cathedral in South Boston Saturday September 14 for 10am Divine Liturgy for the Holy Cross and for 5pm Vespers, and Sunday September 15 for 10am Divine Liturgy and a presentation following. He will then travel to Philadelphia where he will be the keynote speaker at this year's annual Archdiocesan Assembly; they faithful are invited to attend the Saturday September 21 Divine Liturgy with His Grace and the clergy of the Archdiocese at Ss. Peter and Paul Church. Father and His Grace will then travel north, first to St. Nicholas Church in Jamaica Estates for Divine Liturgy on Sunday September 22 at 10am, and then onto St. George Church in Trumbull for a presentation beginning at 5pm. Father Grigori will join the faithful of St. Mary's Assumption Church in Worcester on Sunday September 29 for 10am Divine Liturgy.
Please join in welcoming Fr. Gregori as he visits our archdiocese.
Among the Albanian saints, there are special patrons of animals. Sts. Florus and Laurus were early Christian martyrs and missionaries. These twin brothers met their end in Illyricum, probably south of the modern city of Prishtina, Kosova. It is said that the return of their relics to Constantinople coincided with the end of a plague which was sickening horses throughout the empire. Thereafter, they became patron saints of those creatures God has provided to live in community with mankind. The feast of Sts. Florus and Laurus is celebrated each August 18.
At St. George Cathedral, they honored these saints in their prayers in August. His Grace, Nikodhim, brought the relics of these martyrs to be venerated, and after the Divine Liturgy, both the faithful of the community and their friends and neighbors were invited to the meditation garden, where all the animals (and their families) were blessed with holy water.
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On this sacred occasion of the Assumption of St. Mary (August 15), the faithful of the Worcester area gathered together to honor and commemorate the blessed Virgin Mary, the Mother of our Lord Jesus Christ. His Grace Nikodhim traveled from South Boston to consecrate the Sts. Peter and Paul chapel, placing relics within the altar, and signing and consecrating new Antimensia for the churches in the Albanian Archdiocese. Once complete, His Eminence and the clergy and faithful celebrated the Divine Liturgy upon the newly consecrated chapel altar.
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Current fundraising project of the Archdiocese.
The restoration of the Church of the Life-Giving Spring (Burimi Jetëdhënës) in Korce, Albania.
Please support this worthy cause!
Click here to learn more