During the weekend of May 31- June 2, historic Saint George Cathedral in South Boston played host to the Noli Film Festival. The festival, a collaboration between SojliArt Production, 90 Production, Fan S. Noli Library & Cultural Center, and Albanians Fighting Cancer, featured seventeen incredible Albanian language (English subtitled) movies over three action-packed days. From edge-of-your-seat full-length features to eye-opening documentaries, heart-pounding shorts, and mesmerizing animations, there was something for everyone! Friends and visitors from far and wide traveled to South Boston for the event, including the current Boston city councilor for South Boston, the District Attorney for Suffolk County, the current Albanian ambassador to the US, a former Boston mayor and US ambassador to the Vatican, and a veritable who's who of Albanian actors, directors and entertainment professionals. Find out more about the festival at their website: https://nolifilmfestival.com/