On Friday, 20 September 2024, clergy and lay delegates elected by parishes of the Archdiocese gathered together at Ss. Peter and Paul Church in Philadelphia for the Archdiocesan Assembly. The Diocesan Assembly is the highest legislative and administrative authority within the Diocese, and assists the Diocesan Bishop in its governance. The Assembly brings together the various elements of the Diocese to bear witness to her identity, unity, and mission. As in previous years, in addition to the business meeting, the 3-day event will host a gathering of the clergy with His Grace, a formal banquet, and a hierarchal liturgy for all of the faithful to celebrate together. There will also be break out sessions entitled "Sharing Our Strengths: Working Together Towards Christ's Kingdom" and "Religious Education: Awakening the Faith of Young and Old," as well as presentation by our special guest, Father Grigori Pelushi, priest of the Orthodox Church of Albania and Chair of Radio Ngjallja. For more details, please see the Schedule of Events.

The opening paraklesis on Friday morning included the monastic tonsure of Father Dennis Rhodes.  Now known as Hieromonk Danaks (honoring the 2nd century Albanian martyr), Father served our communities of St Nicholas in Jamaica Estates and St John Chrysostom in Philadelphia, and St George in Trumbull since his priestly ordination over 45 years ago. Though he was granted retirement from parish pastorship in 2018, he continues to serve our communities. In addition to celebrating the divine services for vacationing priests or at parishes currently without an assigned priest, he has been elected to serve the Archdiocese at large as the General Secretary of the diocese. A recording of the service is availabe for viewing on the parish's YouTube channel (https://www.youtube.com/@sspeterpaulorthodoxchurcho1810).

Following prayers in the church, the officers and delegates moved upstairs to conduct the legislative portion of the Assembly. At the conclusion of the "business" session, Father Grigori Pelushi addressed the full body, and then the bishop took the parish council chairs to discuss Sharing Our Strengths: Working Together Towards Christ's Kingdom, while the rest stayed with Father Mark and Grigori to talk about Religious Education: Awakening the Faith of Young and Old. That evening, delegates, observers and the local community gathered together in fellowship at the evening banquet.

On Saturday morning, during the 10am Hierarchical Divine Liturgy celebrated by His Grace and clergy of the diocese, Deacon Juxhin was ordained to the Holy Priesthood. Deacon Juxhin, with the help of the Archdiocese's Theological Student Fund, came to the United States from Albania a few years ago to study at St Vladimir's Theological Seminary near New York City. Upon completion of his studies, he, and his wife Livia, have moved to Boston to complete an additional year-long pastoral internship at the Cathedral before being placed in parish assignment. Please join us live (or watch later) on the parish's YouTube channel (https://www.youtube.com/@sspeterpaulorthodoxchurcho1810).

Following the Divine Liturgy, His Grace prayed the memorial service for reposed clergy, Priftereshe's, and laypeople who have served God's Faithful throughout the Archdiocese's history. He then honored James Liolin for 55 years (and counting) of service on the Archdiocese's Theological Student Fund by bestowing upon him the Knight of Saint George medal.  Before departing for their home parishes, the visiting delegates were treated once again to a wonderful meal by the hosts, the faithful of Ss Peter and Paul.

Opening Prayer Service
Opening Prayer Service
Opening Prayer Service
Opening Prayer Service
Opening Prayer Service
Archpriest Dennis Rhodes
Monastic Tonsure
Priestly Ordination
Priestly Ordination
Priestly Ordination
Priestly Ordination
Monastic Tonsure
Hierarchical Divine Liturgy
Hierarchical Divine Liturgy
Hierarchical Divine Liturgy
Hierarchical Divine Liturgy
Hierarchical Divine Liturgy
Hierarchical Divine Liturgy
Hierarchical Divine Liturgy
Hierarchical Divine Liturgy
Hierarchical Divine Liturgy
Monastic Tonsure
Hierarchical Divine Liturgy
Hierarchical Divine Liturgy
Memorial Service
Knights of Saint George
Knights of Saint George
Knights of Saint George
Hierarchical Divine Liturgy
Hierarchical Divine Liturgy
Monastic Tonsure
Hierarchical Divine Liturgy
Monastic Tonsure
Monastic Tonsure
Monastic Tonsure
Monastic Tonsure
Monastic Tonsure
Hieromonk Danaks
Hieromonk Danaks
Hieromonk Danaks
Host Parish Chair
Theological Student Fund
Lay Vice Chair
Theological Student Fund
Keynote speaker Fr Grigori
Keynote speaker Fr Grigori
Keynote speaker Fr Grigori
Keynote speaker Fr Grigori
Parish Chair Breakout
Parish Chair Breakout
Education Breakout
Hierarchical Divine Liturgy
Hierarchical Divine Liturgy
Hierarchical Divine Liturgy
Hierarchical Divine Liturgy
Hierarchical Divine Liturgy
Hierarchical Divine Liturgy
Hierarchical Divine Liturgy
Hierarchical Divine Liturgy
Hierarchical Divine Liturgy
Hierarchical Divine Liturgy
Hierarchical Divine Liturgy
Hierarchical Divine Liturgy
Hierarchical Divine Liturgy
Hierarchical Divine Liturgy
Hierarchical Divine Liturgy
Hierarchical Divine Liturgy
Hierarchical Divine Liturgy
Hierarchical Divine Liturgy
Hierarchical Divine Liturgy
Hierarchical Divine Liturgy
Hierarchical Divine Liturgy
Hierarchical Divine Liturgy
Hierarchical Divine Liturgy
Hierarchical Divine Liturgy
Hierarchical Divine Liturgy
Priestly Ordination
Priestly Ordination
Priestly Ordination
Priestly Ordination
Priestly Ordination
Priestly Ordination
Priestly Ordination
Priestly Ordination
Priestly Ordination
Priestly Ordination
Priestly Ordination